Leonida Tropaio was founded in Athens on 9 May 2015 by 54 founding members.
Its purpose, as explicitly mentioned in its statutes, is to highlight the values of the world-wide battle of Thermopylae and the sacrifice of the Aegian king of Sparta Leonidas and the rest of the Greeks who joined him in the summer of 480 BC. to halt the course of the Persians to southern Greece.
The vision of its members and their companions is, over time, with perseverance and patience, to create a framework so that the Battleground, centered on the Colon Hill, is expropriated, groomed and emerged as appropriate to a a place of sacrifice like that, which is visited by thousands of Greeks and foreign visitors, with negative impressions today.
The club is run by a five-member Board of Directors elected by the General Assembly every three years. The first and last (for now) elections took place on April 3, 2016.
The club organizes the LeonidaTropaio Price Course and a workshop on the Battle of Thermopylae.